Home Support Services (Guildford), is a community service and not-for-profit company operating within the Borough of Guildford. We offer home support to elderly, disabled and vulnerable clients.
The home support includes cleaning, shopping and any other domestic support which the service is able to provide subject to current legislation.
We match helpers to clients and personally introduce the helper to the client. The client pays the helper directly, and Home Support Services charge the client an annual fee of just £40.
Potential helpers are interviewed and two written references from previous employers are obtained. Once these are received a CRB check is undertaken. Helpers are allocated work according to area
requested and time available. Currently, we provide 360 hours of home support every week.
The service is formally monitored by an annual questionnaire but there is an on-going telephone help-line during office hours and a 24-hour answer-phone service. Our office is open four days a week,
Monday to Thursday, 9.00am to 4.00pm.
Home Support Services (Guildford) C.I.C.
supported by grant funding from Guildford Borough Council